New Medicare Programs for 2020-2021!

New Medicare Programs for 2020-2021!

October 13, 2020

Calling all insurance producers! Have you ever considered getting into the lucrative Medicare insurance market?

Do you think you may be leaving business on the table by not writing Medicare supplements and advantage plans? If the answer is yes, now is the time to talk to us.

Are you a life broker, health insurance agent or property in casualty insurance agent?

Are you getting questions about Medicare? Do you hesitate when you get Medicare related questions from your clients?

If any of these sounds familiar, please join Creative Benefits at our next meeting.

Our presentation will be focusing on introducing you to important Medicare related products in your area. Our senior services department and specialists can help you understand how to integrate Medicare products into your portfolio.

We can help you retain clients and grow your business. Learn how to keep those referrals instead of sending them outside of your organization.

Over 10,000 individuals turn 65 each day! You are in the right place, at the right time. You can be with the right partner supporting you along the way. Our next presentation will be on October 20th at 3:00 p.m. Call to register today!

We can’t wait to meet you!